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    Quentin Langley is editor of Brandjack News. You can read about the editor here
    With more than 20 years experience in PR practice and education, Brandjack News Editor, Quentin Langley is available for consultancy and training commissions.

    Workshops to help businesses prepare for brandjacking threats are a speciality.

    Click here for more details

    Brandjack Editor, Quentin Langley, is available to speak about brandjacking and public relations at conferences and seminars.

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    BRANDJACKING is when an organisation loses control of the social media conversation around its brand to someone else.

    This is a new world. You don't own your reputation any more. Your goodwill exists only in the minds of people you don't know.
    The first use of the word brandjacking appears to have been by Business Week in May 2007. See this article about cybersquatting.
    ADVERTISING AGE: Why BP Isn't Fretting Over Its Twitter Impostor

    NEW YORK ( -- You would think that BP would be fretting over the hijacking of its brand on Twitter, because, in less than a week, the handle @bpglobalpr has amassed a following double the size of BP's real feed.

    Click here
    THE GUARDIAN: A crash course in PR from the folks at @BPGlobalPR

    Click here for more.
    PR NEWSER: Person Behind @BPGlobalPR 'Reveals' Themselves

    The satirical Twitter feed, @BPGlobalPR, has many times more followers than BP's official Twitter feed.

    Click here for more
    Follow the BP parody account on Twitter

    Forget your brand says Leroy Stick, who claims to be behind the @BPGlobalPR parody

    FORGET YOUR BRAND. You don't own it because it is literally nothing. You can spend all s orts of time and money trying to manufacture public opinion, but ultimately, that's up to the public, now isn't it?

    Click here for more.
    Daily Telegraph:Orang utan Greenpeace protest at Kit Kat maker Nestle

    Greenpeace protesters dressed as Orang Utans claim Nestle's use of palm oil is contributing to the destruction of the rainforest.

    Click here

    The Greenpeace contest to design a new logo for BP has set the tone of recent social media conversations.

    click here.
    FT: Nestlé learns to see the wood for the trees

    Have a break. Eat an orang-utan's finger. That was the message of an advertisement posted by Greenpeace on YouTube in March.

    click here
    BRAND REPUBLIC: Greenpeace attacks Nestlé with 'Kit Kat' viral

    Greenpeace has launched a shocking viral as part of a campaign against Nestlé to highlight the company's use of palm oil.

    click here

    Greenpeace continues to campaign on Nestlé's involvement in the rainforests. See the group's site for more information.

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    FT: It pays to expect the unexpected

    Click here for more.
    A fascinating report on Twitter about how the most active Twitterers can impact your brand. Also good advice about how to be influential on Twitter.

    Click here for the report.